This is a business site, not a parenting site, so the contributing writer must be able to cover the topic from the perspective of a businesswoman or businessman trying to juggle work and personal life/personal issues. (This might include parenting, but that is one aspect of personal life.) This means there is as much focus on work – time management, professional organization, emotional quotient, expectation management – as there is on life. The contributing writer will need to be capable of explaining organizational concepts, and offering tips and advice in the simplest possible terms, translating even complex topics into basic content that is easily understood by every reader. The ability to think creatively and come up with interesting, search-friendly takes on the topic over the long term. He or she should have previous writing experience – either in print or online – and should be a proven business expert. He or she will have a command of grammar and a familiarity with HTML and writing for the Web. The successful candidate should be willing and able to work in a collaborative environment with an editor and the current Women in Business Guide.
The audience for the Women in Business site is generally made up of female business owners, aspiring business owners, or professional businesswomen. They are coming to the site looking for answers to questions about starting a business, and succeeding in business, as well as advice and inspiration.
The Work-Life Balance writer will offer answers and advice for professional women about how to have an effective work life while maintaining physical, mental and emotional health in your personal life.
We will rely on the writer’s expertise to help come up with ideas for topics to cover, but here is a general overview of topics to begin covering:
+ Introduction to work-life balance
- What is work life balance?
- Understanding your work life
- Work-life balance for singles
- Work-life balance for newlyweds
- Work-life balance for couples
- Work-life balance for families
+ Work Issues
- Is your work becoming your life?
- Learning how to say no at work
- Time management and time organization
- How to keep a healthy attitude at work
- Dealing with emotional quotient
- How to present yourself at a meeting
- How to talk to a superior
- How much personal information should you share with coworkers?
- How to talk to a loved one or spouse who is overworked
- How to explain your intense work schedule to a spouse
+ Life Issues
- How to manage your free time more effectively
- When to say no to family and friends
- How to delegate at home