Tuesday, October 22, 2013



"Real Estate Day Trading"

I told you yesterday about my guest and his "Real Estate Day Trading"
strategies and that he buys and sells 10-20 houses every month but what
I didn't tell you was that he has them SOLD in less than 2 hours flat!
I am telling you that I have never heard of anything like this from anyone
or anywhere!
We have requested some extra space for the event.
Whatever you have to do to be there you need to do it.
Click here to register for tomorrow's event NOW!
I guarantee that you will hear many things you never knew before
about real estate! Thats why I am so impressed with his strategies!
If you did NOT get a chance to register, there are a few spots left but you
must register RIGHT NOW!
On this exclusive one time event, my guest will share exactly how he buys and
sells 10-20  houses a month without dealing with FSBO's, Realtors, buyers,
attorneys or appraisers. HOW DOES HE DO IT? You need to be on the webinar
to find out exactly how!
Remember, I've set this event up exclusively for YOU, my customers
and subscribers. 
He will share his real world strategies you can use right away to take your real
estate business to the highest level!
Oh yea, he will also take all of your questions live on the webinar!
Dedicated To Your Fast Path To Success,

Real Estate Success Links


What is "Strategic Online Marketing."

We recently held an incredible training session revealing the secrets to "Strategic Online Marketing." It was a live training webinar but we recorded it for you and would like to send it to you on 2 free audio CDs.

Just give us your shipping address at:


In addition to receiving this program in the mail you'll get some instant bonuses including the ability to download the training slides online.

This is "an internet advertising success blueprint for generating more buyer, seller and private lender leads" and we received great feedback from those who have already gone through the training, including:

"It's 10pm here on the East coast and we loved every minute of your webinar. Thank You very much for your mentoring and time. It was well worth it." -- Frank & Maggie M.

"I just attended your strategic online marketing webinar - great presentation and great ideas! I would love a copy of the slides." -- Kim J.

"Richard and Cortney, Thank you for tonight's training and for giving me something I can begin using tomorrow. I learned a lot and you guys are great together."
-- Mike V.

What you'll discover during this training...

* How to generate buyer, seller and private lender leads
* Best opportunities for pay-per-click advertising (PPC)
* Best opportunities for free advertising
* The key elements for creating responsive ads
* What to offer for capturing the most qualified leads
* Pros and cons of paid verses free ads
* How to design ad campaigns to convert leads into cash 

After going through this free training you'll understand more about "strategic ONLINE marketing" than 95% of all other real estate investors.

The free request form, and a more detailed outline of what is covered in program, is posted at:


Sunday, October 20, 2013

Learn how to become a deal finder below...


There's still time to learn how to have my friends Peter & Jerry send you $10,000 checks for finding them ugly houses!

Learn how to become a deal finder below...

All you have to do is find the deal. They handle the rest.

- They manage the rehab.
- They market and sell the property.
- They fund the deal (they have access to lots of cash).

As you know, there are tons of good prospective fix & flip deals out there in today's market. This is your chance to get in the game and in fact, this may be the perfect way to "nail" your first paycheck in Real Estate.

Killer credit score made easy? This is an interview with Dean and Phil

Your peers are going nuts over the short
interview I did with credit expert Phil
Tirone in this week's "Weekly Wisdom"

They are amazed to discover that 46% of
us have errors on our credit reports
simply because we use the wrong credit

This is stuff that nobody ever tells you

For example, they are astounded to
discover the banks and credit card
companies actually WANT you to have
low credit scores because that makes
them (the banks) richer!

But the thing all your fellow Dean
Graziosi students are raving about, is how
easy it is for you to fix all this without
getting suckered by one of those costly
"credit repair" companies.

And did you know you don't have to
have a clean credit report to get and
maintain a high score? You can even
have a bankruptcy! It's true!

This is something you have to see if your
score is not at least 720.

Low credit scores affect everything from
how much you pay for your car
insurance to whether or not you get hired
for a job.

This is something you should watch
because even if those things aren't
important to you, you surely know
someone who could benefit from the
truth on this subject.

Watch Now and Start Telling Everyone
The Truth!

Remember to share this one with others
and post your feedback for me under the

Have a great rest of the week!

Making lots of money FAST. Is What Dave Lindahl, Founder Creative Service Alliance

I am writing to share this incredible system that I've found--It's a system that gives you
opportunity to make money NOW. And, as you know, I know about making money
and making
lots of money FAST.

If you missed our online training event Tuesday, you can watch the replay right here!
Check out the incredible benefits of this system:
1. You can do this from home
2. There is no marketing for deals, and no waiting for the phone to ring
3. You are searching for properties using this software that NO ONE ELSE HAS
4. Sell the deals to our team and get paid right away with 4-figure fees
5. Keep them for yourself and make the whole profit
6. Join the team on the funding side--if you have extra money
Click here to get all of this!
I don't want you missing out on this presentation.
Watch NOW to get all of this and more!

Dedicated to your Fast Path to Success,

$10k, $20k, even $30k a month or more right in your local market ...

This is one of the biggest secrets for you to make
$10k, $20k, even $30k a month or more right in
your local market ...

(see how David figured it out, click below)
Step By Step Plan (proof inside):
In the video he shows how you can get 3 motivated
seller leads calling you every day. That's 90 leads a
month (the plan is in the video) and even if you
mess most of it up and only close on 3 total...?
That's still $20K IN YOUR POCKET if you flipped 'em
all to other investors...
Knowing how to use these free techniques could change
everything for you FAST.
Truth is, while I can't promise that you'll sock $20
G's in the bank in the next 30 days if you follow
this step by step plan, I can PROMISE you this...
...if you ignore the video (especially the steps at
about 15 minutes 38 seconds), you'll probably be
exactly where you are RIGHT NOW the next time your
friends, family and those counting on you ask how
things are going...
How do I know that? I've been exactly where you are
right now. Watch the video. The light will come on.
I promise.

What is Yellow Letter Marketing?



  • You'll learn my Explosive Marketing Strategies that will sell properties faster, deliver better ad copy and make you more money than your fellow competitors.
  • You'll discover how to Build an Unlimited list of Buyers... get Sellers to Call... and have Investors lined up begging you for a property.
  • You'll learn what to say, exact headlines, phrases and power words that work in every market regardless if you've failed in the past.

    • Chris Will Share with You Time Tested, Investor/Realtor Approved Steps to Perfecting Your Marketing Skills that Will Boost Your Sales within 30 Days!

Real Estate Success Tamera Aragon


Most real estate investors will ignore what I'm sharing with you because they've convinced themselves they've already got it all figured out.

You and me, we'll be laughing all the way to the bank.

But don't worry about it because between you and me, their false sense of "knowing it all" is part of our edge.


If you're like me and you know that the secret to making money in real estate is getting leads every day, you'll do everything possible to make sure you have everything possible to get leads.

Your choices determine your success.

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

To Your Success !!! Peter Vekselman

So I get an email from someone I never heard of that basically states
she has a client in Israel looking to place about $2M into the US
real estate market.  He wants a predetermined return and is ready to

I never heard of Kelly....she's the one that sent me the email.

But at the bottom of email is simply said Thomas T. referred me.

Well whenever someone needs some kind of architectural work done I
always send them to Thomas.

On that one referral from Thomas I stand to make a ton of money.

Always have a Rolodex of people you have done business with, that do
what they say, and always be sharing their names with everyone.

It will come back to you a thousand fold......

To Your Success !!!

Peter Vekselman

Letter From A Lady Who is At The Top of her Game

Hello, Mary

Okay, you remember that over the past week and a half I've been sharing different details about how you can change your life by the end of this year, making 2013 your "magical" year...including giving you a 21-page Magic Report (for those of you who requested it)?
After putting together the report and mulling over it for a few days, I realized that there is one element that trumps over everything else when it comes to being successful in everything that I do.
Now, this doesn't work unless you have both an action plan and the motivation (and enthusiasm) to do the plan.
Plus...you have to be doing the plan.
As I mentioned (about 5 emails ago), you have to be working a plan.  Once you start working a plan, the Universe will start making ways for you and altering your plan into something that is better for you.  The point, though, is that you have to be working a plan into a productive direction in order for the Universe to start helping you.  If you plan something but sit on your ass watching Judge Judy, the Universe will do nothing for you.
With that said, I can now get down to business with "my secret."
Once you get rolling with the implementation of your action plan, you can't care about the outcome.  That's the rule.
Part of the reason my life works so well is because I don't give a damn day to day what the outcome is (or isn't).  I have learned to trust that things will work out.
Bottom line:  I set forth a solid and strong plan in motion and I then let go, not giving a damn what happens from that point forward.
Seriously...I don't give a damn.  I completely let go and understand that whatever happens, happens.
Now, in order for this to work well you have to obviously have a solid action plan and be implementing that plan.  You have to be doing the very best you can do with the resources that you have.  You can't beat yourself up if you don't have enough in resources including knowledge, experience, money, etc.  Again, do the best you can with what you have and you'll be surprised at what will open up for you.
After a time when you start to realize that the Universe will begin "helping" you along the way with knowledge, people, and other resources, you'll start to trust that you'll be taken care of with whatever endeavor you decide to go forth with.
And with trust you'll get more results from the Universe.  With more results, you'll have more trust.  With trust, the flood gates will fully open.
And you'll never have to worry again about what to do in any situation or circumstance.  You'll always be taken care of.  Automatically.
To be clear, the secret is to give it your all and not give a damn about what happens.  When you can truly let go  , you'll realize just how miraculous things will start to happen in your life.

Sunday, October 6, 2013

Video...How to Take Down Unlimited Amount of Real Estate Deals‏

Video...How to Take Down Unlimited Amount of Real Estate Deals‏http://youtu.be/2i0bz8PThpM

Peter Vekselman Talks About When it is OK to Offer Too High On Real Estate Deal

When it is OK to Offer Too High On Real Estate Deal
Watch the video below.
To Your Success !!!
Peter Vekselman

How to Make Multiple Offers with Chris Goff

 Learn how to create multiple offers with every Real Estate deal with Chris Goff. Increase your offer ratio, help more sellers and make more money.


How To Do A Land Deal‏


Three ways to land the best deal for the land you want to buy

1. Review the property
 In reviewing the property, look at the deed at the county clerk's office and the appraisal.  Real estate  Check the deed to see if there are any easements or rights that have been granted for use of the property without having to own the property.

2. Obtain a copy of covenants and restrictions

Zoning ordinances and regulations are laws that define how you can use the property. If the property is zoned for an industrial warehouse or office building and you want to build a retail outlet.   Depending on your needs, will might have to change the zoning?

 3. Do a cost analysis.
 How much will it to cost you to build out the property? This includes cost of acquiring the land, the entitlement, the cost of construction of the land, the cost of marketing to people to build it up if it is a retail space, plus the cost it takes to borrrow any money such as a loan.

SeoSecrets Reveiled‏


There are  specific tactics and strategies related to social media and search engines,  like google there’s one vital thing you must work toward first and foremost …  before you list your business in Google
You can recognize yourself as a leader in your field.  And for that to happen, you have all the  answers  to questions and concerns, that others will need you to provide for them.
Writing great content is key to  having effective online marketing. Your readers want  valuable information and you have the power to share. Giving your readers  what they need and want   – strategically – is the key to success.
So,  create killer content AND link  it to your business goals so that you have the ability to create  an online marketing empire. You  get it right and make it happen.
There is no reason to be struggling. There’s a lot to learn, and even then you’re still left asking potentially expensive questions:
  • How to apply this to your business?
Can you think about this in a strategie way?
  • No one has ever taken this approach before?
Let us take you behind the scenes for a closer look -- and a deeper education -- that gets you on the fast track with our Authority training and networking community. One that will pull back the curtain on the topics, tactics, and strategies that don’t show up in public blog posts or free materials.

I am promoting this business "Elite Consulting Program"

We have just tuned up our Elite Consulting Program and you've got to check it out!

When you click the link below, you will discover 3 Free Real Estate and Marketing training videos right from Chris Goff. NOT only is this great info that every investor should know but also a great way to see Chris' teaching style and training philosophy.

>>>CLICK HERE to watch 3 Free Training Videos!

You Will Learn:

Video 1  - 5 Real Estate Strategies explained in detail so you can immediately go out into the market and help a lot of people and make money.

Video 2 - Explosive Marketing Strategies that will put your business front and center, ahead of the competition.

Video 3 - Overcoming the #1 Fear... Phone Calls. Chris show's you exactly what to say, how to say it and why.

All this and much, much more.

So what are you waiting for?

It will serve you well to take a couple of minutes and check out the free training.

>>>CLICK HERE to watch 3 Free Training Videos!

This alone will be well worth it in the long run.