Friday, July 26, 2013

Alternative investments example/trust deed/note investing.

If you're a fixed investor looking for decent prices and yields from traditional assets like Treasuries, corporate debt, or even junk bonds, it's been a bad two months, with no end in sight. 

But...  If you're someone who understands alternative investments like trust deed/note investing, it doesn't get much better than this. 

In fact, the market forces which have been squeezing traditional fixed income investors...

...are NOW working to make asset-based lending and trust deed/note investing the investments of choice for today's savvy investors. 

The problem, of course, is that you can't just call your broker and tell him to buy $100K worth of trust deed-backed Fund shares. 

But maybe the fact that this type of investment is still relativelyunknown is actually a good thing for those who do know how to take advantage of it. 

Are you curious about this new way of investing? Curious about how to ride the wave we're on now? (rather than being swamped by it?) 

Then, our advice is... 

Come experience a revolutionary movement of independent investors who are seizing the opportunities being created in this market... 

These investors are gathering outside Washington DC in a few weeks to network, learn, and get the tools they need to make 2013 a banner year for their portfolios. 

How to buy judgments for as little as $50-100 each (5-10 cents on the dollar).

I'm very excited to share this with you!!!

"How To Buy Collectible Money Judgments For As Little As $50-$100 Each (5-10 cents on the dollar) And Collect The Full Amount Without Doing Much Of Anything!

Back in the 1980's my friend Mark was one of the first guys in 
the country showing people how to buy judgments for as little 
as $50-100 each (5-10 cents on the dollar).

He knows how to collect the full amount of another persons judgement lien PLUS interest without doing much of anything!

That's kind of like buying a $1,000 bill for only $100 :-)

One of the secrets is only buying judgments that are collectable is this... they must have an asset to lien, like real estate.

 Actively Watch This to see how simple this is.      <<== 

There's one more benefit for you...

Judgments usually accrue INTEREST while you're waiting for the pay-off! On average these judgments accrue about 10% interest per year.

Here's where it gets cool...

If you're buying the judgment for 10-cents on the dollar, and the
judgment is accruing 10% interest per year, isn't your money earning about 100% per year?

Isn't that cool? That's how you start doubling your money so 
that it grows FASTER!

Here's the scoop...

Mark's doing an UPDATED online training this week that will show you how to do all this in today's market...

...PLUS how to collect every penny you're owed without doing much of anything!

If buying debt  for 5-10 cents on the dollar and collecting the full amount without doing much of anything sounds good...